Senator Choi was motivated to introduce SCA 2 that will prohibit California’s governor from pardoning family members.
On Monday, Senator Steven Choi (R- Irvine) introduced a Senate Constitutional Amendment that would place a measure on the ballot, asking voters whether or not the Governor of California should be prohibited from pardoning, commuting sentences, or granting reprieve for themselves or family members. The measure seeks to reinforce public trust in state government by ensuring that gubernatorial pardons cannot be used to help their family member’s sidestep justice.
“The recent preemptive pardons of the former president’s family members have caused the American public to question whether such pardons help the family members of politicians avoid repercussions of their illegal actions,” stated Senator Steven Choi. “Although the California State Legislature is not able to limit presidential pardons at the federal level, California voters can ensure there is a system of checks and balances that limits the pardoning powers of our state’s governor by approving SCA 2.”
In December 2024, President Joe Biden signed an unconditional pardon for his son Hunter Biden, relieving him of his federal tax and gun conviction charges. Less than one month ago, the White House subsequently announced additional pre-emptive pardons for five members of his family. There is still ambiguity as to whether the preemptive pardons are a distinct acknowledgment that these family members engaged in wrongdoing.
“The power to pardon is a serious responsibility that is meant to serve justice, not personal interests. SCA 2 asks California voters to decide if the governor should be prohibited from allowing their own family members to sidestep being held accountable by the justice system,” said Senator Choi.
If the voters chose to approve the ballot measure put forward by SCA 2, California can lead by example, showing that no one is above state laws - not even our state’s most powerful elected official.
It is expected that SCA 2 will be eligible for consideration in the Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments committee in March. Supporters are encouraged to reach out to their State Senator to voice support.
Click here for more information on SCA 2.